A Biblical Focus / Foundation / Beliefs


Our Focus: Our firm is owned by Christians and run according to Christian principles.  We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.  As such, we believe that Biblical principles should be used at every opportunity during the financial planning process.  This Bullseye: Doing The Right Things For The Right Reasonsincludes every area from goal setting to leaving it behind after you're gone - and everything in between.  If the Bible has anything to say about a particular financial topic then we accept that as the best wisdom.  This can be challenging because the Bible does have a lot to say about money and possessions and is often counter-cultural.

But don't worry.  We don't think it's our job to preach at our clients or to tell clients what they should believe.  We always remember that it is the client's money with which we are planning and it is the client's goals and priorities that are paramount.  However, we consider it a blessing that - when a client so desires - we are able to work together, seeing the strong connection that can exist between sound financial planning and spiritual growth.  When done well, it becomes Christ-centered financial planning, and a part of a great adventure with our Creator.  We work with clients who want us to take this approach as well as with others.

Our Foundation: The Bible addresses money and possessions more than any other topic. The Lord knew that our attitude toward, and our use of, money would be an important part of our walk with Him.  Our experience is that continually learning to employ God’s Word and God’s perspectives to our financial planning enhances our relationship with God.  The consequences of financial stewardship that is focused on the Savior are significant and eternal - both for us and for those we affect.

Our Beliefs: Review our firm's view of Stewardship and our Core Beliefs below. Every financial planner brings a bias into their work with clients. These links will give you an idea how we feel we can best provide financial planning that really makes a difference.

- Stewardship -
Our Core Beliefs -
- Private Seminars